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On October 26, 2019, iCANJOBS conducted Employability Workshop, “Your Job Search Success”, at the Col John C. Robinson American Center here in Addis Ababa. Prior to the workshop (at registration), one of the questions we asked is what challenges are you facing while applying/searching for a job? We want to understand our audience better and be able to make the workshop relevant to all the participants.
Over 250 participants registered and the majority responded that what they are lacking is, the basic applications skills, resume writing, interview skills, how to really stand out from the thousands of applicants, basic digital skills and more. The key objectives of this workshop are How START, PREPARE, STAND OUT & LAND your dream job? And what are EMPLOYERS LOOKING for in a job seekers? Such workshops are paramount to any job seeker whether you are a recent graduate, a job seekers transitioning to another career or seeking a better opportunity. One of the excitements of the workshop was not only the diversity of the audience in terms age, field, gender but also we had women who were away from the job market because of maternity care and now transitioning to employment. We need American Center type of platforms in every city in Ethiopia to be able to build the capacity of the job seekers and enhance the youth employability skills.